How does the NICC A+ detox works?

The Noah Ion Cell Cleanse (Model NICC A+) uses an array to create an ion field in a footbath,generating negative and positive ions. Warm water opens foot pores, allowing ions to enter andbind to toxins inside the body. These toxins are expelled through the pores and attracted to the ionfield, forming visible precipitates in the water. The colors of the precipitates may indicate specifictoxins. Inspired by Japanese foot-soaking traditions, this 30-minute process provides a simplealternative to the lack of exercise, saunas, or steam baths, promoting detoxification and relaxation.
Did you know that toxins in our bodies, caused by modern lifestyle and the environment can lead to various diseases?

Additional Features

Take Control of Your Pain - Safely, Naturally, and Drug-Free .
The NICC A+ TENS Massage Therapy uses low-voltage electricalcurrents to stimulate nerves for pain relief and muscle relaxation. Thisnon-invasive therapy improves circulation, reduces tension, and aidsmuscle recovery, ideal for stress, chronic pain, or post-workoutsoreness.
Wash Away Harmful Residues - Enjoy Pure, Safe Fruits and Vegetables .
Ensure your fruits and vegetables are thoroughly clean and safe to eat withthe power of a Hydrogen Ion Generator. This innovative solution helpsremove pesticides, dirt, and bacteria—all without harsh chemicals.

Parts and Accessories

NICC A+ Main Device with Power cord

NICC Array

Negative Hydrogen Ion Generator

Wrist Strap

Massage patches & Massage cord

Product Manual